Corona Virus Updates from St. Paul
In response to recommendations by the CDC, the lifting of all health orders in our state, and the availability and effectiveness of vaccines, St. Paul is again adjusting it’s procedures to maximize ministry while also working to keep everyone safe.
- Masks are no longer required for people who are fully vaccinated.
- The church office returns to it’s regular schedule: Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
- In-person worship, meetings, and events return as before without additional limitations.
- Communion will continue to be celebrated in the pews. We hope to return to our previous practice this fall.
- Tithes and offerings will be received in a basket near the entrance to the sanctuary, online, and through the mail.
- Children’s and Youth Ministries will continue to be modified. There is no Sunday School for children and there will be no nursery available. People of every age are welcome in worship. Activity bags are given to children to help them worship.
- Enhanced cleaning continues.
Ready to join us? Plan your visit now!