
Day 12 – 14 Day Love Challenge

“The LORD declares, ‘Am I a God 
who is only nearby and not far off?
Can people hide themselves in secret places
so I might not see them?
Don’t I fill heaven and earth?’” (Jeremiah 23:23-24, CEB).
I’ve always believed there to be a difference between feeling lonely and being alone. One can be in a crowd of people, and yet, harbor an unnerving sense of isolation.
A similar experience can be had in one’s relationship with God. Especially in moments of uncertainty and confusion, it is easy to feel abandoned from God despite the Scriptures repeated promises that God will never abandon us. Even Jesus felt isolated from his Father when praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Perhaps you or someone you know is struggling with a comparable situation. If so, I encourage you to reflect upon or listen to a recording of a song popularized by Grammy winner, Mandisa Hundley:
Have you ever heard a love song that set your spirit free?
Have you ever watched a sunrise and felt you could not breathe?
What if it’s Him? What if it’s God speaking?
Have you ever cried a tear that you could not explain?
Have you ever met a stranger who already knew your name?
What if it’s Him? What if it’s God speaking?
Who knows how He’ll get a hold of us?
Get our attention to prove He’s enough.
He’ll do and He’ll use whatever he wants to
To tell us ‘I love you’.
Have you ever lost a loved one who you thought should still be here?
Do you know what it feels like to be tangled up in fear?
What if He’s somehow involved? What if He’s speaking through it all?
Who knows how He’ll get a hold of us?
Get our attention to prove He’s enough?
He’ll do and He’ll use whatever he wants to
To tell us ‘I love you’.
His ways are higher, his ways are best though sometimes strange
What could be stranger than God in a manger?
Who knows how He’ll get a hold of us?
Get our attention to prove He’s enough?
Who knows how He’ll get a hold of you?
Get your attention to prove He’s enough?
He’ll do and He’ll use whatever He wants to
To tell us ‘I love you’. God is speaking, ‘I love you’.