“Then Moses said to himself,’ Let me check out this amazing sight and find out why the bush isn’t burning up’” (Exodus 3:3, CEB).
I recently concluded a series of messages examining the signs that God gives His people to direct and guide their lives. The final installment of the series centered on the distractions that prevent us from seeing the clues God provides for us every day. As one former life insurance commercial claims: Life comes at us fast.
Moses grew up in the big city. He rose to great heights of power and responsibility. His mind was distracted by the various demands coming at him. That is until Moses moved to the wilderness. In the wilderness, Moses discovered solace from the external noise that assaulted his mind relentlessly. Pulling away from his daily routine opened Moses’ eyes to the signals God likely had been giving him all along.
It would be sensible for each of us to follow suit. So much of our attention span is being occupied by the constant interruption of our electronic devices. Like Moses, we would be wise to periodically put our cellphones on mute, remove the earbuds from our ears, and turn off our telephones. The regular practice of stilling our souls could awaken us to the lifegiving messages God is sending us.
But there is one further insight I wish to share with you. Moses didn’t just see the burning bush, continue walking, and say, “Well, you don’t see that every day! ”He stopped. Curiosity led him to investigate the unusual sight. As Moses moved closer to the burning bush, it was only then that he heard God’s voice.
Although this story has been around for almost 4000 years, it’s message is timeless. God is still signaling us. But do we have the inclination to power down our hearts and minds and inquire as to the curious messages God is telegraphing to us?
Recently, I picked up some items for my wife at Kroger. My mind has been preoccupied with concern for a family member who is undergoing diagnostic testing for a mass on her breast. As I was pushing the grocery cart to the car, I saw an elderly woman struggling to lift a heavy item into the trunk of her vehicle. I was in a hurry and for a brief moment had convinced myself that I needed to return home quickly.
Yet I couldn’t get the “Good Samaritan” story out of my head, so I walked over and lent a helping hand. As I placed the last bag in her car the woman asked, “Are you O.K.? You look troubled.” I shared with her the concern that was weighing on my heart. She turned, held my hand, and said, “Would you mind if I prayed for your loved one?”
In the middle of a busy parking lot God had sent to me an angel of mercy. Though God’s messenger didn’t speak from a burning bush, her words strangely warmed my heart with hope and peace. Moreover, I am eternally grateful that the Holy Spirit quieted my sense of urgency so that I could turn aside and check out this amazing sign of God’s grace.
Christian author, Lysa Terkeurst once wrote:
So often, we want big directional signs from God. God just wants us to pay attention. But we need to leave enough space in our days to…actually look for God in the moment-to-moment things that happen.
Friend, Lysa offers good advice. Keep your eyes peeled and your head on a swivel. You just never know when and where God will show up next!