
Daily Devotion March 30, 2023

“Because of the grace that God gave me, I can say to each one of you: don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought to think. Instead, be reasonable since God has measured out a portion of faith to each one of you” (Romans 12:3).


     The boys of summer are back. A new season opens today in Major League Baseball. The hope for success springs eternal for both players and fans.

     Some roster spots have been taken by rookies whose hard work have landed them on the “big stage.” These newest big-league players are but a fraction of aspiring minor leaguers who have the opportunity to play on a major league field. Their success is due in part to their dedication and hard work.

     Additionally, Tony Lucadello, one of baseball’s most valuable scouts claimed that the greatest predictor of a player’s future success stems from a willingness to be coached. Lucadello sought out students of the game who were humble enough to accept criticism from coaches and apply what they learned toward becoming the best possible ballplayers they could be. The lower their ego the higher Lucadello deemed a minor-leaguer’s potential.

     In today’s world, however, humility is a much-underrated virtue. In some circles, humility is a liability. Yet Paul believed otherwise. For Paul, being humble is not a matter of thinking less of yourself. Rather humility is a quality of thinking of yourself more realistically.

     The humble person accepts his good qualities, while likewise acknowledging his need for growth. Humility drives one to listen openly to the feedback of others and accepts their valid critique as leverage toward self-improvement. Likewise, humility directs individuals to be grateful for what they have rather than envying what others have. Neither are humble people ashamed to ask for help when needed. Their focus is to become all that God has designed them to be.

     So, don’t be afraid to aim for the fences. If you strike out don’t let the temporary setback get you down. Adjust your swing the next time you step up to the plate, and watch your batting percentage soar.