
Daily Devotional March 21, 2023

“But I did obey the LORD!” Saul protested to Samuel. “I went on the mission the LORD sent me on. I captured Agag the Amalekite king…Yes, the troops took sheep and cattle from the plunder—the very best items placed under the ban—but in order to sacrifice them to the LORD your God at Gilgal” (1 Samuel 15:20-21, CEB)

     In 2020, a group of friends visited the Shoshone Geyser in Yellowstone National Park. A ranger found three of them trying to cook two whole chickens in the hot spring. Hot springs can exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit and cause severe burns.

     The three tourists were cited and banned for trespassing in a prohibited area. The group justified its actions by claiming they did their best to pack the chickens inside a roasting bag and a burlap sack to avoid contaminating the waters. Dallas Roberts, a member of the group argued, “The way I interpreted [the no trespass signs] was don’t be destructive, and I didn’t feel like I was.”

     We human beings have a temptation to rationalize our disobedient actions when we believe our motives are harmless. Such was the case for Saul. Saul fulfilled part of God’s command to capture the Amalekite army in battle. However, Saul disobeyed God’s directive by permitting his soldiers to plunder the spoils of their enemies. Saul justified his decision as good by claiming the illicit booty would be used as a sacrifice to God.

     It’s easy to accuse people like Saul and Dallas Roberts of defiance toward God. Yet accusations can become personal when we look into the mirror. Our noncompliance shows up when we promise to do something and then rationalize our lack of action by explaining that we were using our time well doing something else. Or I hold my tongue in an unfair situation when I should be speaking out in protest. Yet I defend my silence by arguing my words could be used better in a less volatile context.

     The truth is that making excuses is the fastest way to get oneself into hot water. Rationalizing your wrong actions will not make them right. Failing to heed the caution signs may just get your own chicken fricasseed.