
Daily Devotional Oct. 12, 2022

“The wise [person looks ahead. The fool attempts to fool himself and won’t face facts” (Proverbs 14:8, TSB).

     I have caught a fair share of catfish as an angler: blue, channel, and flathead. However, the kittenfish is a species with which I am unfamiliar. Until now.

     Kittenfishing is the act of misrepresenting yourself in a significant way. This means of deception is prevalent in the digital world. Kittenfishing may include photos that employ illusory angles, rounding down one’s age, or wearing a hat to hide a bald patch.

     I am all in favor of painting oneself in the best possible light. Yet when does self-flattery cross the line into fraudulence? Even more, who is the person I am really fooling?

     The writer of Proverbs 14:8 encourages each of us to look carefully at the direction we are trending. If we are establishing a new relationship that is not based on a realistic version of who we are, we are laying a foundation of mistrust from the outset. Once our true self is revealed the other party may wonder about other revelations with which we have been less than honest.

     Even more, hiding something from you that I don’t want you to see says a lot about how I feel about myself. If I really don’t like who I am, including both my weaknesses and strengths, then it really doesn’t matter what your impression of me might be, whether good or bad. I will continue to remain unhappy with myself regardless of the extent to which our relationship may develop.

     Those of us who follow Jesus though have a different starting point with respect to relationships. We believe that because Jesus loves us as we are, why would we do anything less? Because Jesus accepts us “as is,” blemishes and all, we have nothing to hide. By beginning from a starting point of self-acceptance, the people we meet are more apt to accept us, as well. And if they don’t, their rejection of us will have little bearing on our sense of identity.

     So, the next time you find yourself on a fishing expedition, be cognizant of the kind of bait you choose. The line you extend may lead you well into teeming waters.