Pastor’s Blog

Hear Our Prayer

     Why are some prayers answered while others are not? This is a question I hear all too frequently. The question is somewhat misleading. The Scriptures claim that God responds to every prayer. The problem is that God’s answer isn’t always in keeping with our greatest hopes.


Prayer Power

     It’s reported that the late evangelist, Dwight L. Moody, had a room behind the pulpit called the “Powerhouse”. The “Powerhouse” was a small room where a few saints gathered to pray while the Minister was preaching.


Learn from the Mistakes of Others

     Elijah was the kind of person who easily got under the skin of those in power. The king of Israel was no exception. Ahaziah dispatched a platoon of soldiers to arrest Elijah as an act of vengeance. Elijah was discovered sitting alone atop a hillside. Elijah was outmanned by a ratio of fifty to one. This doesn’t imply that Elijah was outgunned. Elijah held the high ground, which in military stratagem offers a peak advantage. (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.)


Listen Closely

     Elijah was one of those larger than life kind of people. Just about everything he did had a dramatic flair. Personally, I think that a little bit of Elijah would have gone a long way.


Being BOLD for GOD

     The book of Acts has been called the Acts of the Apostles. When you read the pages of Acts you come to see the audacity and boldness of these unrelenting men. They preach and teach the word of God with boldness. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and did signs and wonders. The Church grew by leaps and bounds and flourished with unity and great grace. The Church grew exponentially.


Our Choices Matter

     The late Myles Munroe once said, “Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day…”. I understand this sentiment. Our choices matter. However, much of life also is determined by circumstances beyond our control. No one chooses cancer. No person in their right mind opts to be injured seriously in an automobile accident. Yet the manner by how we respond to such situations determine what life will look like for each of us. So, yes, our choices do matter.